How Boom Supersonic 3D printed parts for the XB-1

How Boom Supersonic 3D printed parts for the XB-1

Just a few months ago Boom Supersonic launched their XB-1 aircraft. The XB-1 is a high speed jet that has often been compared to the now extinct Concorde. 

Guinness World Record Diamond Ring made with 3D Printing

Guinness World Record Diamond Ring made with 3D Printing

Imaginarium, a 3D printing service based in India, broke a surprising record last year when it contributed to the creation of the ring with the most diamonds in the world: 7,801 to be exact. 

Farsoon FS271M metal laser sintering system

Farsoon & Prodways Terminate 3D Printing Partnership

Over five years ago, AM company Farsoon Technologies signed an agreement with French 3D printer Prodways, in which Prodways would distribute Farsoon’s plastic machines and powders.


Aleph Farms and Mitsubishi Will Supply 3D Cultured Meat to Japan

Food tech startup Aleph Farms signed an agreement with Mitsubishi Corporation‘s Food Industry Group to supply cultivated meat to Japan. The Israeli...


The Business of 3D Printing February 9-10, 2021

AMS 2021, the most focused conference on business intelligence for the additive manufacturing industry, is back for its fourth year. It is an onlin...


Stratasys Completes Acquisition of Open 3D Printing Startup Origin

3D printing global leader Stratasys announced it completed Origin‘s acquisition, a pioneering startup that develops open additive manufacturing (AM...


Wearable Technology: Luxexcel Celebrates 3D Printing +50,000 Lenses for Customers

Luxexcel, Dutch pioneer in 3D printed ophthalmic lenses, has achieved a major milestone in volume manufacturing, after reporting that its manufactu...

Meta Additive Receives £1.2M Grant to Scale Binder Jet 3D Printing

Meta Additive Receives £1.2M Grant to Scale Binder Jet 3D Printing

Innovate UK, which is part of UK Research and Innovation, invests up to £25 million in breakthrough, commercially viable ideas through its open grant funding SMART program.


Factum Arte: Creating and Conserving Art with 3D Printing

Factum Arte specialises in the conservation of cultural artefacts using new technologies, including several methods of additive manufacturing. The ...


How LFAM will make GE’s Haliade-X record turbines even more powerful

With blade diameter measuring more than two football fields, GE Renewables’ Haliade-X turbines are already the largest and most powerful in the wor...



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