US Navy Opens Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence
The US Navy has opened its Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence in a formal ceremony featuring the Virginia Governor and the Office of the ...

Study Suggests Benefits of 3D Bioprinting In Plant Cell Research
A recent study from North Carolina State University experimented using 3D bioprinting to produce plant cells in order to assess the use of the met...

DLP Can Be Used for the Creation of Better Rubber Parts
Digital Light Processing (DLP) is one of the major 3D printing technologies available today. A type of photopolymerization, it essentially consist...

What Are the Robotic Arm 3D Printing Solutions on the Market?
One of the trends we have increasingly seen as additive manufacturing industrializes is an increased focus on large-format additive manufacturing....

Welsh Companies Turned to Ancient Jellyfish for World First Bioprinting Project
Bioprinting is one of the most exciting applications for the 3D printing in the medical sector. Enabling the possibility to create organs or more,...

Nylon and Sustainability, the Path to Responsible Additive Manufacturing?
Nylon, as we already know, is a synthetic polymer belonging to the polyamide (PA) group. In additive manufacturing, we can find it in filament for...

GH Induction Has 3D Printed the Largest Pure Copper Induction Coil
GH Induction has announced the creation of the largest 3D printed coil made of pure copper, made using electron beam melting (EBM). This is a key ...

3D Printing of Eco-Friendly Affordable Homes in Lancashire
A scheme has begun to build 46 eco-friendly homes in Lancashire, UK using 3D printing. The project is being led by Building For Humanity, a Commun...

An Introduction to Post-Processing in 3D Printing
The value chain of additive manufacturing consists of multiple steps before having a final part. There is, of course, the printing phase, but also...

UK’s Ministry of Defence Offers Contract for 3D Printed Parts
The UK’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) is showing its continued interest in additive manufacturing with the launch of a contract offer for 3D printing...
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